Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Requesting a Refund

To request a refund:

  1. Go to > Account > Orders
  2. Select the order number of the product you want to refund.
  3. Select the ellipsis icon (three dots) next to the order total column. This opens a prompt to Request a Refund.
    1. Note: If you do not see the ellipsis icon, it means the 30-day period has passed.
  4. Click the link to Request a refund. A Refund Request Form displays.
  5. Select a refund reason from the drop-down menu and add details about your reason for the refund request.
  6. Select Request Refund.

An automated response confirming receipt is sent to the email address associated with your account. Once we’ve had a chance to review the request, we will be in touch with you about the refund process.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

 Delivery times can vary depending on factors such as the shipping method chosen, the destination, and the availability of the product.

Our website is highly secure, and we take the protection of our customers’ information very seriously. We use the latest encryption technology to safeguard all sensitive data, including personal and financial information. Additionally, we regularly update our security protocols to ensure that we stay ahead of potential threats. Rest assured that your data is safe with us.

After an order is placed on a, several things happen:

  1. You the customer receives an order confirmation email that includes a summary of the order and estimated delivery dates.

  2. The receives an email notification of the order, which includes the customer’s details and the order details.

  3. The payment is processed, and the funds are deposited into account.

  4. then process the order and update the order status in the system, and send a tracking number to the customer if applicable.

  5. Once the order is marked as complete, the customer will receive a notification that their order has been shipped, and they can expect to receive the package on the estimated delivery date.

Overall, automates many of the steps involved in processing an order, making it easier for both the us and the customer to manage the buying and selling process.

You can request to receive invoice.

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