Transform Your Space with Industrial Pipe Shelving: Rustic Wall-Mounted Floating Shelves with Steel Pipes and Wood Planks


Type: Other
Brand Name: VEVOR
Origin: Mainland China
Layers of Planks: 3 / 4 / 5
Board Thickness: 0.8 in / 20 mm
Pipe Diameter: 1 in / 0.8 in
Item Size: 43.3×10.63×37.8 in / 63×10.63×49.6 in / 47.24×8.66×27.56 in/ 11.81×8.66×43.31 in/ 39.37×8.66×23.62 in/ 51.18×8.66×24.8 in
Package Weight: 26.68 lbs / 39.24 lbs / 17.42 lbs/ 10.80 lbs/ 21.83 lbs/ 15.32 lbs